Shark Killer Film2015VOD A shark exterminator must retrieve a rare diamond from the stomach of a massive black-finned white shark; however, a powerful local crime lord has also set his sights on the gem. Will the fearless shark killer live up to his reputation?...
The Runaway Series2010 – 2011Sky The Runaway is set in the sleazy, gritty world of ’60s and ’70s London, and focuses on the doomed romance of East Londoners Cathy Connor (Joanna Vanderham) and Eamonn Docherty (Jack O’Connell). BACK TO PROJECTS...
The Prisoner Series2009AMC, ITV Primetime Emmy Award-nominated update to the cult favourite series from the 1960’s about a government agent who is kidnapped and sent to a remote island known as “The Village”. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our...
The Bang Bang Club Film2011Entertainment One, Tribeca Film The Bang Bang Club was the name given to four young photographers whose photographs captured the final bloody days of white rule in South Africa. Two were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for their acclaimed...
Silent Witness Series1996 – 2015BBC Crimes through the eyes of a team of forensic pathologists and forensic scientists. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our HBO production “Generation Kill”. Address Unit 23 & 24, Island Works, 24 Cumberland Street,...