Generation Kill Series2008HBO The story of 1st Marine Reconnaissance Battalion’s participation in the second Allied invasion of Iraq, in 2003. Seen through the eyes of Rolling Stone reporter Evan Wright, who was embedded with the Battalion and upon whose...
The Devil’s Whore Series2008Channel 4 Set between the years 1642 and 1660, “The Devil’s Whore” charts the progress of the English Civil War through the eyes of a 17 year-old girl, the fictional Angelica Fanshawe. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our...
Mrs Mandela Film2010BBC4 Fact-based drama which charts how Winnie Mandela went from innocent country girl to politicised fighter against apartheid, and from an adoring and loving wife to firebrand revolutionary. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our multi-award...
MTV Shuga Naija: Season 3 Series2013MTV A group of students whose futures are balanced on a knife edge due to their love of risk and danger. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our haunting TV production “SurrealEstate”. Address Unit 23 & 24, Island...