The Banana Splits Movie Film2019Blue Ice Pictures A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attend a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and business as...
Critters Attack! Film2019Blue Ice Pictures 20-year-old Drea reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor’s children Trissy and Jake, along with her own little brother Phillip,...
Our Girl: Seasons 1 to 4 Series2019BBC Our Girl follows the extraordinary adventures of a female medic in the British Army and the tight-knit unit of soldiers in 2-section as they fight for survival on the most dangerous missions of their lives. Friendships are...
The Last Days of American Crime Film2020Netflix In the not-too-distant future, as a final response to terrorism and crime, the U.S. government plans to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts. BACK TO PROJECTS Check...
The Kissing Booth 2 Film2020Netflix In the sequel to 2018’s The Kissing Booth, high school senior Elle juggles a long-distance relationship with her dreamy boyfriend Noah, college applications, and a new friendship with a handsome classmate that could...