The Red Sea Diving Resort Film2019Netflix Inspired by remarkable true life rescue missions, The Red Sea Diving Resort is the incredible story of a group of international agents and brave Ethiopians who in the early 80s used a deserted holiday retreat in Sudan...
The Indian Detective Series2017CTV, Netflix Toronto cop Doug D’Mello becomes embroiled in a murder case while visiting his father, Stanley, in India. The investigation leads Doug to uncover a dangerous conspiracy involving David Marlowe, a billionaire property...
The Kissing Booth Film2018Komixx Entertainment A high school student is forced to confront her secret crush at a kissing booth. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our adventure drama TV series “Hooten and the Lady”. Address Unit 23 & 24, Island Works,...
Hooten and the Lady Series2016 – 2017Sky Action-adventure drama starring Michael Landes and Ophelia Lovibond, who travel the world in search of hidden treasures. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our adventure-filled series “Jamillah and Aladdin”. ...
Jamillah and Aladdin: Season 2 Series2015 – 2016BBC A contemporary reworking of the classic Arabian Nights story. 21st century girl Jamillah finds the magic lamp and is transported back to ancient Baghdad where she meets Aladdin, her very own genie, and endless...