Madiba Series2017BET, CBC A three-part American drama television mini-series documenting the true lifelong struggle of Xhosa human rights activist, lawyer, political prisoner, and eventual president of South Africa Nelson Mandela to overthrow the oppressive...
Call the Midwife Christmas Special Series2016BBC It’s 1962, and a mission hospital in the Eastern Cape is in dire need of some helping hands. Cue Sister Julienne, Trixie, Barbara and more heading off to try and make things right. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our...
American Girl – Lea to the Rescue Film2016Mattel Toys Born for adventure, Lea Clark heads deep into the Brazilian rainforest, where her most exciting story awaits. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our TV mini-series “Undercover”. Address Unit 23 &...
Undercover: Season 1 Series2016BBC Undercover follows the lives and family of Maya Cobbina, a British lawyer conducting a long-term legal fight to prove the innocence of US death row inmate Rudy Jones, and her husband Nick Johnson. After Cobbina...
The Journey is the Destination Film2016Netflix Photographer Dan Eldon was only 22 when he was killed by an angry mob in Somalia. He left behind 17 scrapbooks that held his art, chronicling his life from age 14. His work, seen in Time and Newsweek, showed only...