Bluestone 42: Seasons 1 to 3 Series2013 – 2015BBC Comedy drama series following the lives of a bomb disposal detachment serving in Afghanistan. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our Hulu original series “The Wrong Mans”. Address Unit 23 & 24, Island...
The Wrong Mans Series2013 – 2014BBC, Hulu “The Wrong Mans” series centres on Sam Pinkett and Phil Bourne, office workers for Berkshire County Council, who have their menial existence turned upside-down by a chance phone call and a case of mistaken...
Strike Back: Seasons 1 to 4 Series2010 – 2015Sky One, Cinemax The actions of Section 20, a secretive unit of British military intelligence. A team of special operations personnel conduct several high risk missions throughout the globe. BACK TO PROJECTS Check...
Mad Dogs: Seasons 3 and 4 Series2011 – 2013Sky Four friends, Woody, Quinn, Baxter, and Rick arrive in Majorca to visit their old mate Alvo, who is now a wealthy property tycoon enjoying the trappings of an ex-pat lifestyle. The hedonistic mood of the...
Alien Outpost Film2014IFC Films A documentary crew follows an elite unit of soldiers in the wake of an alien invasion. BACK TO PROJECTS Check out our romantic comedy “Fanie Fourie’s Lobola”. Address Unit 23 & 24, Island Works, 24...